
Source: fra-lsg-colors/

Colors used in this project.


Source: fra-lsg-grid/


  • <div class="fra-grid-row"></div>

Green box, shows through padding of item container


  • <div class="fra-grid-col-M-W"></div>

Lightgreen box Where M equals the Mediaquery/Breakpint (ie. mq1 - mq5) this rule is applied from and W equals the number of columns it will span (full width equals 12).

Breakpoint Viewport width
MQ1 0 - 479px
MQ2 480px - 767px
MQ3 768px - 991px
MQ4 992px - 1279px
MQ5 1280px and up


Source: fra-e-icon/

This is a list of all icons used in project. There are icons in sizes 32x32, 24x24 and 16x16 dimensions available. You will need to provide a correct container size to style them appropriately.


<fra-e-icon class="fra-e-icon {{cssClasses}}"

cssClasses - can be used to individualise the icon.

ìconId - is one of the IDs listed below.

Lazy Image

Source: fra-e-lazy-image/

Lazy Image

Lazy-Image-Example for Full-Grid-Width and 16:9 Aspect Ratio.

Breakpoint Viewport size Image size
MQ1 0px - 479px 476x268px
MQ2 480px - 767px 767x431px
MQ3 768px - 991px 991x557px
MQ4 992px - 1279px 1279x719px
MQ5 1280px and up 1280x720px

Lazy Video

Source: fra-e-lazy-video/

Descriptive Text goes here.


Source: fra-lsg-typography/


Source: fra-e-button/

Default buttons used in project.


{{> fra-e-button

isButton- (optional) mark-up is rendered as button, defaults to <a>

iconOnly- (optional) mark-up is rendered as icon only

cssClasses - (optional) can be used to individualise the button. Note: icon-only needs to be set w/ class as well as boolean!

label - text label to be used on button

IconID - (optional) is one of the known icon IDs (see [#icons])

href - target URL of this link/button

newWindow - (optional) target window of link/button, defaults to _self


Source: fra-e-datepicker/

Datepicker element for reuse in different components.


allowPastSelection - (optional) disallow selection of past dates

min - (optional) date string in format yyyy-mm-dd to disallow date selection below this date

max - (optional) date string in format yyyy-mm-dd to disallow date selection above this date

{{> fra-e-datepicker allowPastSelection="{{allowPastSelection}}" min="{{min}}" max="{{max}}"}}

Highlight Headline

Source: fra-e-highlight-headline/

The highlight headline element

Horizontal Rule (hr)

Source: fra-e-hr/

Horizontal Rule to be used with Module Heading


Source: fra-e-list/

Render a Decription List <dl> with alternating background colors. Links in description entries have two states: Icon only in MQ 1-3 and Default Link with Icon in MQ 4-5.

Use w/ data JSON following this structure

  "definitions": [
      "label": "Simple Term",
      "desc": {
        "text": "Simple Description",
        "ccsClasses": ""
      "label": "Term with Link",
      "link": {
        "linkLabel": "",
        "linkHref": "",
        "cssClasses": "fra-e-list__desc-link__link",
        "linkIcon": "fra-icon-arrow-right-extern",
        "iconID": "fra-icon-language"
      "label": "Term with Footnote",
      "desc": {
        "text": "Description with Footnote",
        "footnote": "#ref1"
  "footnotes": {
    "ref1": {
      "text": "Footnote content"

Note the "link": {} structure where two icons are set, "linkIcon" sets the icon for the Default Link used in MQ 4-5 and iconID sets the icon used as a replacement in MQ 1-3. Also note the footnote structure w/ two entries, one as a reference in the description footnote and one as a seperate list using the reference as key. Foototes are then rendered w/ the help of CSS counters to keep track of the references.


Source: fra-e-print/

Print button used within Content Navigation.


Source: fra-e-radio/

Radiobutton Group, for example used in fra-m-car-park-booking, flight-search etc.


Source: fra-e-table/

This is a generic responsive table. In MQ1 and MQ2 content of a row will be displayed as cards. Optional Labels per entry are achieved by setting data-title on each cell.


Source: fra-e-timepicker/

Timepicker element used in module fra-m-date-time-accordion.


Source: fra-m-accordion/

Accordion template to be included in components.
Accordion is used as a content-component (use modifier "fra-m-accordion--white-section-header" for consistent styling) and within the footer on mobile MQs.

Accordion Container

Source: fra-m-accordion-container/

Accordion used for editorial contents. Components that can be included: Text-Image, Image, Richtext, Download-list, Richtext-Table.

Accordion-Container is also used for locations-template with full-width-list and brand-module.


Source: fra-m-airline/

Implementation of fra-e-list with sample data for airlines.

Airlines Accordion

Source: fra-m-airlines-accordion/


Source: fra-m-benefits/

Component showing a list of "benefits" as check-icon and text.

Brand Module

Source: fra-m-brand-module/

Collection of brand images used in location template.

Car Park Booking

Source: fra-m-car-park-booking/

Car park booking component which is included in Jumbotron (Slider, Non-Slider). This component can be used standalone and can also be a part of the Flight-Park-Search-Widget.

Components Container

Source: fra-m-components-container/

Container-Wrapper for two or more components without any space between each other (e.g. offer-teaser and benefit-module).

Contact Teaser

Source: fra-m-contact-teaser/

Contact teaser component with image and contact details, including phone and email.

If there are more teasers that won't fit side by side a slider will be added automatically, see example: Teaser Slider.

Content Navigation

Source: fra-m-content-navigation/

Content Navigation containing back and print button.


Source: fra-m-cta/

Standalone-Button-Component that is positioned within the grid. This CTA is only available as a primary button without an icon.

Date Input

Source: fra-m-date-input/

Date input with datepicker (as used in "Wartezeiten")


allow-past-selection - (optional) disallow selection of past dates (see #Datepicker)

min - (optional) date string in format yyyy-mm-dd to disallow date selection below this date (see #Datepicker)

max - (optional) date string in format yyyy-mm-dd to disallow date selection above this date (see #Datepicker)

preset-date - (optional) date in yyyy-mm-dd to pre-fill the input with. Or use the special value today to pre-fill with the current date


Date Time Accordion

Source: fra-m-date-time-accordion/

Date-time-Accordion, used for example in car-park-booking-component.

Datepicker Text

Source: fra-m-datepicker-text/

The Datepicker-Text component (e.g. 'Wartezeiten'). Extends functionality of fra-m-expandable-container.


variantMid- (optional) set true to display the box in orange

variantHigh - (optional) set true to display the box in red

{{> fra-m-datepicker-text}}
{{> fra-m-datepicker-text variantMid=true}}
{{> fra-m-datepicker-text variantHigh=true}}

Download List

Source: fra-m-download-list/

List with download-Items. Can be used standalone or within an Accordion-Section.

Expandable Container

Source: fra-m-expandable-container/

Container with several editorial components. Collapsed by default, can be expanded/collapsed by click on plus/close-button. Fuctionality can be extended by other components (e.g. fra-m-datepicker-text).

Flight Detail

Source: fra-m-flight-detail/

Flight detail list, data and labels given by JSON.


Source: fra-m-flights/

Table with flight info. Loads 10 entries initially and on each click on button below. Entries link to Flight Detail. Includes fra-m-flights-search to filter flights.


Source: fra-m-flightupdate/

The module is used by the user to sign up for push information. The user can choose between Email / FB-Messenger / Twitter.


Source: fra-m-flyout/



Source: fra-m-image/

Image component that opens overlay on button click.


Source: fra-m-jumbotron/

Jumbotron Slider used on top of startpage and Jumbotron used on top of some content pages.

Location List

Source: fra-m-location-list/

List for Location-Template. Can be used as a standalone-component and within the accordion-container-component.

Module Heading

Source: fra-m-module-heading/

Heading Element for Modules

Next Best Activity

Source: fra-m-next-best-activity/

The Next Best Activity component.

Offer Teaser

Source: fra-m-offer-teaser/

Teaser for offering anything. Can be used standalone or in combination with the benefits-module within the components-container.


Source: fra-m-overlay/

Generic Overlay for reuse in Components.

Page Description

Source: fra-m-page-description/

Introduction-Text on overview pages (given by page properties, no richtext).

Product Teaser

Source: fra-m-product-teaser/

This is the product teaser component with image, title, price and link. Optional there is a badge, former price and price info.

Product teasers are used within an teaser overview container. See Overview Teaser (load more).

Promotion Teaser

Source: fra-m-promotion-teaser/

Promotion teaser is used to place banners on page. The image has a link and a short text (e.g. "Anzeige") above. There are two types of banners:

Default Banner Super Banner
MQ1: ratio 3:4 MQ1: ratio 1,2:1
MQ2-5: ratio 3:1 MQ2-5: ratio 8,1:1


Source: fra-m-richtext/

Richtext-Wrapper with styling on tags for AEM Richtext editor. Allowed Components so far: 3 types of headlines, paragraphs with inline-links, unordered lists, link and button.

Richtext Table

Source: fra-m-richtext-table/

Editorial table that can also be used in richtext and accordion.

Search Result Overview

Source: fra-m-search-result-overview/

List of search result with load-more button to expand list.

Search Result Teaser

Source: fra-m-search-result-teaser/

Search result teaser.

Shop Accordion

Source: fra-m-shop-accordion/

Shop Overview inside an Accordion.


Source: fra-m-slider/

This is the default Slider/ Carousel component.

To change default control button color from Blue to White, add modificator class fra-m-slider--controls-bright to class fra-m-slider.

Sticky Page Header Container

Source: fra-m-sticky-page-header-container/

A sticky wrapper for the page header component including the traffic notifications


Source: fra-m-tab/

This is a Tab module that can be used in in the jumbotrons of the startsite and overviewsite. It can contain car park the booking and flightsearch modules.

Teaser Overview (Load more)

Source: fra-m-teaser-overview/

Wrapper Component for teasers like text-image or product to provide a grid view of teasers with a "show more" option. If there are more than 6 teasers on MQ4 - MQ5, more than 4 teasers on MQ3 or more than 2 teasers on MQ1 - MQ2 a plus button is added. On click there are loaded three more on MQ4 - MQ5 and two more on MQ1 - MQ3.

Teaser Slider

Source: fra-m-teaser-slider/

Slider component with text-image-teasers.

Text Image

Source: fra-m-text-image/

Text Image component with overlay to expand images.

Text Image Teaser

Source: fra-m-text-image-teaser/

Teaser component to be used in a carousel or a grid-list


Source: fra-m-video/

Video component with grid using fra-e-lazy-video.

Page Notification

Source: fra-m-page-notification/

Page notification.


Source: fra-m-shop/

Organism combined from filter and accordion to display shops.

RH Styleguide

No matches.